3TEETH veröffentlichen neue Single samnt Video zu “Merchant Of The Void”

Jim Louvau

Der knallharte Song verbindet die für die Band typische düstere Elektro-Industrial-Metal-Alchemie mit dem Gedanken über den selbstzerstörerischen Weg, den die Menschheit eingeschlagen hat, wie Frontmann und kreativer Kopf Alexis Mincolla beschreibt:

 ”Amidst the numbing pulse of hypermodernity, the insatiable appetite of data commodification devours our sense of meaning. The undead march of materialism eventually renders the human subject an automaton, desperately grasping for the ephemeral junk 2.0 to fill the abyss of existential emptiness. The self devolves into a mere echo, a ghostly specter caught in the whirlwind of techno-capital acceleration, the very essence of its being devoured by the machinery of its own weaponized desires. If the future eludes your vision, fear not, The Merchant of The Void is standing by and eager to sell it to you. Welcome to the cold descent into the black hole of total absolute commodification.  In the words of William S. Burrough ‚The junk merchant doesn’t sell his product to the consumer, he sells the consumer to his product. He does not improve and simplify his merchandise. He degrades and simplifies the client.”

3TEETH sind:
Alexis Mincolla – vocals
Chase Brawner – guitars
Xavier Swafford – keyboards and synthesizer
Andrew Means – bass
Nick Rossi – drums