TEETH mit Video zur neuen Single „We Eat Our Young“


Das unberechenbare Kraftpaket TEETH , das Hardcore/Metal-Quintett aus Ontario, Kanada, ist aus dem Schlamm einer verdorbenen Generation hervorgegangen – ein Gefährt, dessen einziger Zweck es ist, die angreifendste, aggressivste Musik zu kreieren, die man sich vorstellen kann. Geboren aus illegalen Gassenshows, die buchstäblich zu Bränden führten, haben TEETH eine Reihe ausverkaufter – und absolut bösartiger – Headliner hervorgebracht, während sie unabhängig voneinander über 1 Million Streams angehäuft haben und Anerkennung von den Metal-Titanen SLIPKNOT und den Deathcore-Innovatoren EMMURE erhalten haben. TEETH fängt gerade erst an und sie spielen um ihr Geld.

Vocalist Blake Louis Prince states, „‚We Eat Our Young‘ structurally came out all at once – I was pretty heated at that moment in time – feeling a lot of „fuck you“ energy – and it just felt like a lot of fire. It’s sort of a trance or hyperfocus state for me – then it’s over

„‚We Eat Our Young‘ is a representation of how so many of us battle with ourselves internally“ comments Chris LeMasters. „It’s the dichotomy of feeling guilt while being frustrated and hostile toward those very feelings”.

The band states, „A Biblical Worship Of Violence is our ode to the ache of change – a snapshot of a moment in time where we were all going through dark shifts in our personal lives that forced us to see life through the lens of true pain and discomfort. We knew we needed to create something so visceral and honest to articulate what we’d been going through while also giving us the opportunity to speak on the state of this world. Division, compulsion – an intrinsic gravitational pull toward cruelty and brutality. ABWOV is a commentary on human beings darkest, most volatile conventions.“

A Biblical Worship Of Violence will be available as a red with black splatter vinyl on July 21st!

Below is the A Biblical Worship Of Violence tracklisting:
1. We Eat Our Young
2. Hate Me
3. Pig Virus
4. Drip