DEVILDRIVER, die Top-Charting-Dark-Groove-Metal-Urheber, kündigte kürzlich die mit Spannung erwartete Veröffentlichung ihres kommenden Doppelalbums Dealing With Demons an. Der erste Band mit dem Titel “Dealing With Demons I” erscheint am 9. Oktober 2020 über Napalm Records und markiert die erste Veröffentlichung von neuem Originalmaterial seit dem gefeierten Trust No One im Jahr 2016. Jeder Titel von Dealing With Demons I stellt einen anderen Dämon dar, der behandelt oder veröffentlicht werden muss.
Frontman Dez Fafara says about “Iona” and the demons that inspired the track: "Iona is unlike any other DEVILDRIVER song we’ve put out. From the frantic verses to the haunting chorus, this song is another move forward to push our sound and the listener's ears into the fray! The chorus, “she carries a black rose, effigy from a story closed", tells the story of the long dead ghost of Iona and her obsession with death represented by the black roses in her hands – each one the soul of someone she’s taken from this life on a lonely dark road, assimilating their souls into black roses, which she carries for eternity. This theme relates to myself and “Dealing With Demons” in that, often times, we as people have a hard time “letting go” of things. This can be applied to relationships, death, and so on. Iona carrying the black roses symbolizes her inability to move on – always seeking revenge. The past is exactly that – the past – it’s important to let go and not be stuck in a perpetual loop of living in it."
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